91 - 100

91. You can tell if a guy is really hurt or in pain... when he cries in front of you!

92. If a guy suddenly asks you for a date, ask him why.

93. When a guy says he can`t sleep if he doesn`t hear you voice even for just one night, hang up. He also tells that to another girl. He only flatters you and sometimes make fun of you.

94. You can truly say that a guy has a good intention if you see him praying sometimes.

95. Guys seek for advice not from a guy but from a girl.

96. Girls are allowed to touch boys' things... but not their hair.

97. If someone says you`re beautiful, that guys likes you.

98. Guys hate girls who over-reacted.

99. Guys love you more than you love them if they are serious in your relationship.

100. REMINDER: Test a guy first if he`s really the one. Some are just pretending.